Switching Up Your Workout Routines

If you're bored of the same routine of exercise every week, it is possible to fall into a routine and begin slacking off. It is a good idea to change up your workout routine every couple of weeks to avoid this. For instance, if you normally perform bench presses on Mondays, you could alter it by doing dips on Wednesday or overhead presses on Friday. In the same way, if you are doing deadlifts every Wednesday it is possible to change your rep ranges and do different sets.


The workouts for the bodyparts vary dependent on the body part is being divided. A push-pull technique for example needs six days of strength training per week, while an upper and lower body division requires four days. You can train twice per week if your diet is healthy, get enough rest, and supplement with supplements. If properly executed, twice-weekly training will yield the same results as a standard one-day-a week routine.

A three-day break is suggested for advanced lifters. You can switch between two exercises for each body part. However you should have an entire day off between the initial exercise and the second.

This allows you to focus on each body part differently , so that your workouts do not overwhelm others. You can also switch between morning and evening exercises, so that you can give each muscle more attention every day.

A 2 muscle a day workout routine was once popular with famous bodybuilders. This allowed them to concentrate on every muscle group, which resulted in unmatched muscle growth. Today, many athletes train two parts of their body per day. This lets them do more sets for each muscle and allows for adequate rest between workouts.

Rep ranges

Rep ranges are essential to consider when constructing your workout routine. In general, the five to 10 rep range is thought to be optimal for the majority of exercises.

However it is true that a higher rep range could result in a decreased technique. It doesn't matter if are training for strength, muscle development or recovery, it is important to consider the rep ranges for every exercise. Below are some helpful tips to take into account when choosing rep ranges.

For strength training, the low rep range is great for beginners and intermediates. It is also a great method to increase hypertrophy.

This rep range should be used only for a short period of time. It is possible to achieve your goals by utilizing the right exercises for the correct rep range. For example, if you want to achieve peak strength and attain a 1 rep max, you should concentrate on training in the one to three rep range. Remember to use proper technique when training.

The weight of the reps is an important factor in determining the range. The more reps you do, the more muscle is being pushed. For example when lifting weights that are heavy, it's advisable to lift low reps and train for some high reps.

This way, you can increase your strength over time, however, you won't gain the most benefits. Furthermore, low reps can reduce the stimulus to your muscles. Using a low rep range could cause fatigue in your muscles.

While training in a lower rep range is beneficial for those who are just beginning, training in a high rep range is more effective when you are targeting one specific muscle group. Training in the high rep range, for instance, will allow you to target specific areas of your body, such as your glutes. High reps can be utilized to build your legs and prepare you for a cutting phase.


A proper warm-up regimen can help athletes improve their performance and prevent injuries. A proper warm-up can also help make your muscles and connective tissue more flexible, providing you more nutrients and energy. Warming up prior an exercise program will help you keep your form.

Warm-up routines are crucial to all kinds of exercise. They prepare the body for exercise and help avoid injuries. Additionally, warm-up routines will help you feel more relaxed and less strained during your workout.

You can make your warm-up routine as simple or complex as you prefer. A basic warm-up routine is comprised of a few minutes of stretching and foam rolling. It is possible to combine several warm-ups, if you have the time. Make sure you have enough warm-up time before you start your workout to maximize its benefits.

You can also perform dynamic stretches, like putting your hands behind your back. These exercises will help warm your muscles prior to your workout by increasing their temperature and increasing blood flow. They also increase the range of motion, and decrease stiffness. The exercises should not take more than five minutes.

A good warm-up routine will help your body prepare for a challenging workout. It also decreases the chances of injury and weak connections. This will allow you to build more muscles and speed up recovery from a workout. A warm-up routine crafted by a Cressey Performance coach will increase blood flow and clear out waste from joints and muscles and improve the muscle's ability to move in a proper manner.

The most effective warm-up routines are those that include dynamic stretching. During the warm-up period, you should stretch all areas of your body prior to your workout. You can also increase your range of motion doing a dynamic warm-up.


It is essential to warm up and cool down during your workout to avoid injury and allow your body to rest. Warm-ups do not have to be complicated. You will be able to find a suitable warm-up that best suits your needs. Cool-downs are just as crucial, since they allow your blood vessels and heart time to breathe.

A cool-down can begin by doing some simple stretches. They should be akin to the type of exercise that you just completed. It is recommended to do static stretching that is low-intensity and lasting. The purpose of static stretching is to lengthen your muscles.

Warm-downs must be completed within a few moments of your workout. For a cool-down, you can walk or jog.

These exercises can aid in recovering from a strenuous exercise. Afterwards, you should eat or drink something that is easy to digest. This will help with recovery and help prevent injury.

In addition to stretching, a cooling-down routine should include exercises to improve flexibility. Stretching after exercise can help reduce lactic acid and prevent muscle cramps.

It also increases flexibility and range of motion. When stretching, pay attention to muscles that are stretched or overworked. Make sure to keep each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. You'll be able to stretch for longer periods of time and avoid discomfort in your muscles.

During warm-up, mimic the movements you'll be doing. If you are doing weight lifting it is possible to try the same exercises, but without the weights. Another great warm-up exercise is yoga. It is important to relax and warm up, especially in the case of endurance athletes.

Accessory days

It's a great option for creating variety in your workout routine by adding other exercises. A lot of programs include additional exercises in their workouts, placing them into "supersets" with the possibility of a break in between. These exercises can be incorporated into your workout to improve endurance, strength and the size of your muscles.

Exercises that are accessory are great for targeting specific muscle groups and may help to avoid injury and overtraining. There are numerous exercises for accessory use available, but it is important to consider which ones are suitable for you. Your goals and fitness will determine the types of exercises you need to include.

The addition of exercises can help increase your strength in areas that are often neglected. For example, you can make use of bench press accessories to pinpoint your weakest link. These exercises will strengthen your joints and decrease your chances of getting injured. The key is to find the proper balance between exercises for bench pressing and the other exercises.

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