Barbie Get Ready With Me
Let's start with Barbie's beauty routine. First, she needs to straighten her hair. Once your hair is straight you can style it with curls or braid it.
You can then dress her in white lace or a blue tulle skirt or a fun, colorful dress. To complete your look, include sunglasses, jewelry, and a hat.
Ellie's beauty routine
Ellie is a well-known fashion vlogger who is known for creating makeup tutorials for her fans. You can create stunning makeup tutorials in this game and use them to make the channel of your dreams. With the help of this game, you can create videos for Barbie!
Barbie's beauty routine
Barbie's routine for beauty consists of several different steps. First she provides her hair with a luxurious bath. This allows her to straighten her hair without using an iron for straightening.
After washing her hair and dry, she applies a hair straightening solution. You can also use liquid fabric softener for her hair.
She also applies sunscreen to protect her skin from the damaging UV radiations of the sun. She also layers sunscreen over foundation.
She also wears the hat and long sleeves when she is outside. She eats a healthy and balanced diet. She also takes vitamin C supplements each day.
Another component of Barbie's beauty routine includes applying her Sum:37 Secret Essence. This product for beauty is made with exclusive ingredients and technology that make it an extremely effective skincare product. It helps improve the skin's tone, moisture, firmness, and elasticity. Massages for the face are also recommended by a specialist in beauty to ensure that lotions and creams are absorbed more easily into the skin.
Ellie's hairstyle
Ellie's hair is dry and damaged. It's in need of a freshen-up to make it winter-ready. There are three events in the near future which means you need to give her a fashionable appearance.
To achieve this, you need to change her clothes and apply makeup. You will also need her eyebrows drawn.
Barbie's hairstyle as she gets ready for Barbie get ready is very easy to style and makes Ellie look attractive and stylish. This hairstyle is easy to maintain, which makes it ideal for long travel or outings that last for a whole day. This style is beautiful and suits all faces.